WAH-HA-HA! Live from the Big Three Box Studios in Empire City - brace yourselves for a night where law, death, and old flames collide!
The sensational She-Hulk, Jennifer Walters, brings her legal expertise and gamma-powered charm to the show! But the real fireworks start when Mind Fang, notorious space pirate and Vriska's biological mother, makes her entrance - and wouldn't you know it, she's Bugsy's old flame! Watch our usually composed co-host turn into a stammering mess as he confronts the one that got away!
But wait! There's a family reunion in the mix as Bugsy's grandfather, the one and only Lord Death from the DWMA, shows up to share embarrassing stories about baby Bugsy! Will Jennifer Walters have to mediate this family drama? Will Mind Fang's presence rekindle an old spark?
Don't miss the moment when Lord Death pulls out the baby pictures! Watch Wario try (and fail) to keep order as Mind Fang and Bugsy dance around their complicated past! And why does She-Hulk keep objecting to everything?!
It's a night of cosmic romance, family chaos, and possibly some legal action! Tonight at 11:35/10:35c on all Big Three Box Network affiliates, right after your local news!
(The Wario Show with Wario and Bugsy is filmed before a live studio audience at Big Three Box Studios, Empire City. No rabbits, reapers, or space pirates were harmed in the making of this episode. Emotional complexity and garlic consumption viewer discretion advised.)