WAH-HA-HA! Live from the Big Three Box Studios in Empire City - prepare for a night of PURE CHAOS, romance, and one very persistent pink primate!
First up, the Queen Bee herself, Bridget from Total Drama Island, dishes all the reality TV dirt! Then the ever-flexible legend Gumby stretches into our studio with tales from the golden age of clay animation!
But hold onto your seats when Disney royalty Belle graces our stage! Watch as our Chaos Lord co-host Bugsy turns into a complete gentleman, pulling out all the stops to impress the Beauty of Beast's Castle! (Wario can't stop laughing at his fancy vocabulary attempts!)
And then... oh boy... Monkey Pink from Ape Escape crashes the party! Watch the absolute MAYHEM as she refuses to take Bugsy's hints to back off! Will security be able to handle a love-struck simian with high-tech gadgets? Will Bugsy survive her aggressive advances?!
How many times will Monkey Pink try to steal a kiss? Will Belle be charmed by Bugsy's attempts at sophistication? Can Gumby help escape the chaos? And why is Bridget filming everything for her next reality show?!
Don't miss this absolutely wild night of romance, rejection, and CHAOS! Tonight at 11:35/10:35c on all Big Three Box Network affiliates, right after your local news!
(The Wario Show with Wario and Bugsy is filmed before a live studio audience at Big Three Box Studios, Empire City. No chaos lords, clay figures, princesses, or persistent primates were harmed in the making of this episode. Viewer discretion advised. Seriously, it gets weird.)