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Writer's picturethebig3box network

the real toxic part of sonic fanbase

People always say the Sonic fanbase is bad because



people that actually show actual love for the series

in many many more things

when truthfully the real toxic part of this fandom

is people acting like their opinion is the one that rules out of everything else

or they want to ruin everybody's fun just because they can

or we have former Sonic fans who act like everything the fandom makes is garbage

when necessarily that's not even true today I put a spotlight on the real toxic part of the Sonic fandom

the toxic part that no other person outside the fandom even knows

what they have cursory knowledge of the Sonic fandom

I've been here for literal years I've seen this fandom become the most loving thing in the world to the most loving with a hateful side and today we talk about that hateful side in this video above

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