Title: Spider-Man: Rebirth of the Web
Genre: Action-Adventure, Musical
Setting: New York City
Act 1:
Scene 1: Daily Bugle Office
[PETER PARKER, a.k.a. SPIDER-MAN, is working as a photographer at the Daily Bugle. He is haunted by the memory of making a deal with the devil to save Aunt May's life but losing his marriage to Mary Jane in the process.]
Song 1: "In the Shadows" [PETER sings about his guilt and longing for a second chance.]
Scene 2: Oscorp Industries
[PETER discovers a new invention at Oscorp that can rewrite reality. He sees an opportunity to reverse the deal he made with Mephisto.]
Song 2: "A New Beginning" [PETER imagines the possibilities of rewriting history and bringing back his lost love.]
Scene 3: The Alley
[PETER experiments with the device, but it malfunctions and sends him into an alternate reality where villains are in control.]
Act 2:
Scene 4: The Alternate Reality
[PETER encounters various versions of his rogues' gallery, including THE GREEN GOBLIN, DOCTOR OCTOPUS, and THE VULTURE, who are ruling over the city.]
Song 3: "Embrace the Fight" [PETER realizes that he must confront the villains and save both worlds.]
Scene 5: Mary Jane's Apartment
[PETER finds MARY JANE, who is leading a resistance against the villains. They share a heartfelt reunion.]
Song 4: "Together Again" [PETER and MARY JANE express their love and determination to save their world.]
Scene 6: Final Battle
[PETER, MARY JANE, and the resistance face off against the villains, showcasing their acrobatic moves and fighting skills.]
Song 5: "Rise Above" [PETER and MARY JANE inspire the city to stand up against evil.]
Act 3:
Scene 7: Oscorp Industries
[PETER manages to fix the device and restores the original reality.]
Song 6: "Rebirth of the Web" [PETER celebrates the return of his marriage to MARY JANE and the chance to start anew.]
Scene 8: The Daily Bugle
[PETER realizes the importance of responsibility and continues his dual life as SPIDER-MAN, capturing moments through the camera lens.]
Song 7: "The Photographer's Eye" [PETER reflects on the power of capturing truth and spreading hope through his photographs.]
Scene 9: City Rooftop
[PETER, as SPIDER-MAN, swings through the city, embracing his role as a hero and protector.]
Song 8: "Web of Destiny" [PETER embraces his destiny, vowing to protect the innocent and keep New York safe.]
Scene 10: Curtain Call
[The cast takes their final bow as the audience erupts into applause.]
Song 9: "Curtain Call Finale" [The entire cast comes together to celebrate the triumph of love, courage, and second chances.]
Note: This screenplay combines elements from the Spider-Man comics, incorporating the "One More Day" storyline and the concept of alternate realities. The catchy songs throughout the musical help convey the emotions and growth of the characters, while the action sequences showcase Spider-Man's agility and heroism.