For your viewing pleasure, Nightlife presents the last pony tale. Adventure video we're ever going to do on nightlife because I'm going out to us Hasbro hit this project with a cease and desist so we all know the project is back on or if this is it but we still have friendship with benefits and Pony waifu Sim, so the pony content is never going away, but the project you're about to look at had so much potential there's a not-safe-for-work version, the one we're playing, and there was a safe-for-work version
that's the reality of fanworks people, some companies just don't like it when you have a fan game or fan work, even though Generation 4 My Little Pony isn't really something that they're really interested in now but The Show Must Go On, but don't worry I did take a look at their Patreon so they are working on something Pony-related I think, but I'm not entirely sure maybe it's truly a rework, but I don't know, only time will tell.
- Bugsy Prime